America’s Sexiest (AAG) is a collection of ultra sexy films and photography of fit American men including top American male models. Over 6000+ videos, photos and interactive zones. Sign Up or Get a Tour Below.

America’s Sexiest (AAG) is a collection of ultra sexy films and photography of fit American men including top American male models. Over 6000+ videos, photos and interactive zones. Sign Up or Get a Tour Below.

What You Get with Your Membership

As a member of All American Guys you get access to over 6,000+ videos and thousands of images of the AAG male models from throughout the years and recent productions.  Members get fresh weekly updated content, spread across AAG and its sub-brands (including Masculine and Red Hot) which feature ultra provocative content. There are also several LIVE video broadcasts per month where you can interact and chat live with the guys during these sessions.

Instant Site Access

.43 Cents Per Day

AAG.Masculine.Red Hot

3 Brands for the Price of 1

America’s Hottest Men

Artistic & Nude Galleries

Weekly Updates

Live & Interactive Areas

Trending + Popular Models

These are currently some of the most popular guys being featured within the AAG network (All American Guys, Masculine, Red Hot). Recognize any of them? Join to view their content.

Zack A.

Jordon F.

Zack B.

Markus W

Alex P


Aidan G.


America’s Sexiest Guys in Print

Can’t get enough of our sexy fit guys online? Get them in print ! When you join the members area of AAG you’ll receive discounts on the purchase of AAG’s physical print magazines and coffee table books. Now that’s an incentive!


Latest Site Updates

Check out the latest updates to the website’s membership section below.

Julian, Sexy Behind the Scenes

Julian, Sexy Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes for Julian’s latest underwear photo shoot. The physique on this guy is incredible! Check out more of this content in the Members Area.

Mitch S. Nude in Paradise

Mitch S. Nude in Paradise

Mitch S. artistic nude photo set from his trip to the lush tropical jungles in Puerto Rico. Set 1. Check out more of this content in the Members Area.

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