Justin is a very shy guy, till you really get to meet him. But he really is very shy, so shy he refuses to accept any offers to go in front of a television or moving camera.
Well, he’s missing out on some opportunities and the chance to acquire legions of new fans. His Adonis physique hasn’t changed much since winning the International Male Model Contest’s Best Physique Award back in 1999. See the photos.
So what does Justin do these days? “I’m a supervisor at UPS, soon to be a full time package car driver (the brown truck).
I spend most of my time with my girlfriend, hanging out with her, going out with her. I love going to the beach. I love working out and playing pick up basketball games. I read a lot of books, mostly biographies, and history books.”
See…he doesn’t say a lot. But some of us like him just that way.
To see more of Justin H, go to: